Pink Party Stripes Cake


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Pink, Purple, Blue & Green Striped Buttercream cake with a Pink Chocolate Drip & Piping. This cake style is perfect for Birthday’s and all types of Celebrations!

Choose your Size & Cake Flavour. We have Vanilla Velvet or Chocolate Fudge Cake layered with your choice of filling including Vanilla Buttercream, Caramel Buttercream, Oreo Buttercream, Raspberry Buttercream, Milk Chocolate Ganache or Strawberry Ganache.

Need a Cake sooner? Try our last minute cake range.

Serving Size Guide 

Tall Mini (5 inch) Feeds 5 Dessert Portions / 10 Finger Portions

Small (6 inch) Feeds 10 Dessert Portions / 20 Finger Portions

Midi (7 inch) Feeds 15 Dessert portions / 30 Finger Portions

Medium (8 inch) Feeds  20 Dessert Portions / 40 Finger Portions

Large (10 inch) Feeds  30 Dessert Portions / 60 Finger Portions

Medium Tall (8 inch by 8.5″ tall) Feeds 40 Dessert / 80 Finger Portions

*Serving Sizes are a guide only & will ultimately depend on how the cake is cut. Finger Portions are small serving sizes, suitable for when other desserts are served. Dessert portions are larger sized servings, suitable when no other dessert is served.

*The height of this cake is 6.5″ tall except Medium Tall which is 8.5″ tall.

Cake Toppers and Candles available in the Extras range.

Additional information


Small, Medium, Medium Tall, Mini, Midi, Large


Chocolate, Vanilla


Vanilla Buttercream, Raspberry Buttercream, Caramel Buttercream, Oreo Buttercream, Milk Chocolate Ganache, Strawberry Ganache


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